Is it true that there are Nazis in Ukraine?
YES. The whole world knows this. If you do not know about this, then you are, unfortunately, a victim of the propaganda of the state in which you live. Even American and EU propaganda recognizes the presence of the Nazis, but, like any propaganda, it underestimates the problem. [1] [2] [3]
Short list of, neo-nazi organization in Ukraine with millions of members: Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), the Ukraine Insurgent Army (UPA), Tryzub, AZOV, Aidar, Tornado, Svoboda , Praviy sector, S-14, Volunteer Rukh, Black Committee, and more more more NAZI ORGAINSATIONS... Nazism has existed in Ukraine for a very long time. And now he has turned Ukraine into a Nazi state. Ukrainian nationalists have been killing civilians throughout their history: Lviv pogroms (1941), Massacres of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia (1943-1945), and now - Mascare of Russians and Ukrainians in Donbass (2014-now)[4].
You can read Soviet documents about Ukrainian nationalist organizations in the period 1930-1940 using online translation. Here: [rus] [eng] [Español] [বাংলা ভাষা] [Français] [中國人] [日本語] [اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ] [हिन्दी] Here you can read about the crimes of the Nazis and Ukrainian nationalists during World War II to understand that neo-Nazism in Ukraine developed faster than Germany.[rus][eng]
Is it true that the Maidan was organized by the United States?
It is obvious that the United States was behind the Maidan and supported the Ukrainian nationalists. The US needed to start a war in Ukraine. This can only be done through the civil war that began in 2014. Russia did not organize Maidan. Therefore, you will not find such photos with Russian politicians. For example like these: Here is the Secretary of State on the Maidan showing support. The massacres have not happened yet but they are about to happen. (Victoria Nuland in Ukraine / Maidan / 2013) [5] «We have invested over $5 billion to assist Ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic Ukraine. - said Victoria Nuland [6] On February 4, 2014, a recording of a phone call between Nuland and U.S. ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt on January 28, 2014, was published on YouTube. Nuland and Pyatt discussed who they thought should or shouldn't be in the next Ukrainian government and their opinion of various Ukrainian political figures. Nuland told Pyatt that Arseniy Yatsenyuk would be the best candidate to become the next Prime Minister of Ukraine. Nuland suggested the United Nations, rather than the European Union, should be involved in a political solution, adding "fuck the EU". (Wiki) And yes, she is a member of the board of the National Endowment for Democracy. What else? John McCain with nazi leader Oleh Tyahnybok (right) [6] on the Maidan
Nazi leader Oleh Tyahnybok[7] / Oleh Tyahnybok and Victoria Nuland
As you can see, the United States brazenly interferes in the political system of another country.
But West Propaganda was not yet so aggressive and deceitful.
Here is an example of old US propaganda from that period [NBC]
For comparison, here is an independent point of view, close to the truth. From Norway. [Nor] [eng] [Español] [Français] [中國人] [日本語] [اَلْعَرَبِيَّةُ] [हिन्दी] [বাংলা ভাষা] [Português]
Why did the war start?
The war began because of deceit by Ukraine and its failure to comply with the Minsk agreements. [10] The agreements made it possible to reconcile DONBASS and UKRAINE in order to stop the Civil war that began in 2014 [11]. Ukrainian and European politicians admitted that they were not going to fulfill them, but were only playing for time and preparing for a war with Russia. They planned that Ukraine would solve the issue of the LPR and DPR in a tough way, that is, to destroy most of the population of these republics. Ukraine carried out a hidden genocide of the Russian population of these territories. The last straw of Russia's patience was the announcement by puppet President Zelensky about his plans to build a nuclear bomb and join NATO.[12] Of course, this war was planned by the United States, but we have listed the main reasons that led to it. Yes, this casus belli was planned by the USA. As well as dozens of revolutions and civil wars around the world.
Russia claims that this is not a war, but a SVO.
Western propaganda says that this is a war.
Is this a war or SVO?
Both options are true. For Russia - this is SVO ( Special military operation ). For Ukraine - this is a war. In Russia, SVO is defined by law. It's true and that's exactly what it is. In Ukraine, these events are defined by the term war. This is also true.
Is there total censorship in Ukraine?
Yes. There is total censorship in Ukraine. Independent sources of communication are already closed. Zelensky violates the constitution of Ukraine and closes 3 TV channels at once, which were the last source of true news. [13] [14] [15] Here is a quote from Wiki: Now ukrainianTV chanels broadcasting a 24/7 united newscast called United News (Єдині новини) that is produced in turn by the various channels and amended with official information by governmental agencies to "objectively and promptly provide comprehensive information from different regions of the country 24/7". [16] Thats what is called "Total Censorship".
When will the war end?
The Russian army has certain goals. They were appointed by the president. Until these goals are achieved, this war /SVO will not end. Negotiations are impossible. Zelensky banned negotiations by law. [17]
Who is destroying Ukraine more if not Russia?
How did Russia help to Ukraine?
Why did NATO stage this war?
What lies the most in Western propaganda about Russia?
Top lies of Western and Ukrainian propaganda
No nazi in Ukraine
North Streams blown by Russia
MH-17 blown by Russia
5 фактов которые говорят о том, что это сделала украина:
- сбит буком — старой модификации. такой как на параде в Киеве. (фото)
- сбит над территорией украины.
- украина не закрыла пролет над опасной территорией. Она спровоцировала этот полет. Она виновата в том, что направила самолет над территорией где есть её БУКи.
- украина — виновная сторона. ее должны судить. но она оказалась в рядах расследователей. Украина подтасовала все факты.
- украина недавно сбила гражданский самолет и пыталась скрыть свою вину. (вики)
Bucha blown by Russia
Poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko
Russia’s enemies are good
what other misconceptions or fakes about Russia are there
You will be surprised, but famous "Russian Mafia in USA" is actually jewish-ukrainian mafia. Boss: Evsei Borisovich Agron - jew [wiki] Boss: Marat Yakovlevich Balagula - jewish ukraininan [wiki] etc. The reason is that the Americans at that time did not understand the nationalities of the former USSR. Therefore, everyone was identified as Russian for simplicity. As you can see, Ukrainians and Jews have been killing people in the United States and doing crime under the guise of Russians for decades
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Zelensky was democratically elected — getting 73% of the vote in 2019 said Biden. Is it true?
Yes, this is a rare moment when he said something about Ukraine that is close to the truth. But this number of voters does not reflect the truth. The fact is that Zelensky's support was small - about 17%. The rest of the votes (about 55%) were added to him from people who hated Poroshenko (the second candidate, and the previous president. In fact, Zelensky deceived more than 50% of the citizens who voted for him. Zelensky promised to prevent war, not to ban the Russian language. However, he did not keep any of his promises. Zelensky is a liar and a corrupt official. By the way, no one has yet asked Zelensky about the Panama Papers. Because the Western media make him a hero. How can a hero be a corrupt official with millions hidden in Panama
Is Zelensky a Jewish?
Judaism follow Jewish law (Halakha).[1] Jewishness is determined only by the mother. Zelensky’s mother - Rimma Vladimirovna Zelenskaya has a maiden name - Osipova. It is reliably known that the maiden name is not Jewish, but there were Jews in the male line in her family. Only Zelensky’s father is Jewish. Thus, it is known for certain that Zelensky cannot be full considered a Jew according to Jewish law (Halakha).